Transparency - Residència d'Investigadors

Residencia de Investigadores

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2014 National Scientific Communication Prize to the Residence for Researchers

The Spanish government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation have awarded the 2014 National Scientific Communication Prize to the Residence for Researchers CSIC - Generalitat de Catalunya.

Ever since its creation in 1993 as a consortium to liaise between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Generalitat, the Residence has worked actively to disseminate science and scientific culture, by organising different series of lectures, seminars and exhibitions. These activities are designed to explain the latest news on scientific advances to the general public (and particularly to young people), and they have served to establish a fluid, continuous dialogue between science and society. During these years, the Residence (originally created to provide accommodation for scientific visitors to Barcelona) has welcomed more than 700 speakers and over 84,000 members of the public who have attended the different events.



Organigrama administrativo
Organigrama administrativo


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Memoria Actividades (PDF)


Memoria resumen de gestión


En cumplimiento de lo establecido en los artículos 26 y siguientes de la Ley 19/2014 del 29 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno las personas que quieran obtener información pueden dirigirse a la dirección de correo:

haciendo constar: vuestro nombre i apellidos, el NIF, el motivo de la petición o aclaración.

La respuesta se enviará a la dirección de correo desde la que os hayáis puesto en contacto con nosotros.


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Music for Science

//El Mestre Joan Guinjoan ha col•laborat amb la Residència d’Investigadors...
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